UKRD’s Eagle Radio is on the hunt for two thousand Easter eggs as part of their annual Easter Egg Appeal.
The station takes the eggs donated by listeners and gives them to charities across Surrey & Hampshire.
Coordinator Lou Nash is hoping to build on the success of last year: “Eagle Radio’s Easter Egg Appeal supports thousands of under privileged children who are unlikely to get an Easter egg this year, so being given one by Eagle Radio makes all the difference.
“Eagle Radio work with many charities and organisations who support children living in refuges or homeless shelters, children who are seriously ill, some of which have terminal illnesses; and many who are living in poverty with parents who simply can’t afford to buy Easter Eggs for their children.
“Each egg donated is guaranteed to make a local child feel special and loved so we hope to reach more children than ever before”.
Donations are being accepted from Monday 11th March, up to Thursday 28th March 2013