The BBC Academy College of Journalism and BBC North are holding a social media conference at MediaCityUK, with Radio 1 Controller Ben Cooper amongst the speakers.
#SocialMediaWhatsTrending is a free one day conference on Tuesday, October 29th in Salford with practitioners in journalism and wider content making in the digital and social media environment.
Sessions will offer best practice case studies, top tips and cautionary tales, looking at how to make story-telling process interactive, how to leverage the social web for maximum reach, and how to innovate and offer more value with social content.
Ben Cooper will be there, along with Rachel Burden from 5 live and Mary Anne Hobbs from 6 Music.
A live stream and Videos on Demand of sessions are planned for free on the BBC Academy website during and after the event.
Grab your ticket from
Confirmed Speakers so-far include:
Ben Cooper (BBC Radio 1 Controller);
Ian Katz (Newsnight Editor);
Rachel Burden (5 live Presenter);
Stephanie McGovern (BBC Breakfast Business Correspondent);
Mary Anne Hobbs (6 Music);
Luke Lewis (UK Editor, BuzzFeed);
Claire Wardle (Director of News Services, Storyful);
Dan Biddle (Twitter TV Exec);
James Cooper (Interactive Producer, XFactor);
Channel 4 Interactive Producers (Made in Chelsea, Misfits);
Victoria Taylor (Director of Communications, Reddit, coming from NYC);
Al Brown (Head of Video, VICE UK);
Matt Cooke (Google +);
James Herring (Founder, TaylorHerring PR, Editor of The Poke);
Tim Pool (VICE journalist and live streaming expert)