Through the wonders of modern technology, also known as Google Analytics, we can reveal the top 10 most-read stories on this year.
The majority of the Top 10 relates to personalities in radio rather than the radio stations themselves, and the stories with the most clicks have been helped by retweets by the subject matter.
Join us as we count from 10 to 1 in true Kid Jensen style, ready to reveal who you’ve enjoyed reading about the most in 2013.
And we start at the top..
Toby Foster suspended from BBC Radio Sheffield
He had a tweet or two to say about his boss which led to a suspension from his breakfast show which we believe is still in force.
Planet Rock to replace Kerrang 105.2
It was predicted by many but was hoped it would never happen as Kerrang! went from a fully active and breathing radio station to a voice-tracked box in a cupboard.
Bauer launches Kisstory
Second entry already for Bauer at number eight with details of a brand extension for Kiss. This news also meant the end of Q Radio.
Choice FM closes, makes way for Capital XTRA
Global Radio’s first entry on the Top 10, with official news about the launch of Capital XTRA, meaning the end of Choice as we knew it.
talkSPORT confirms new Keys and Gray gig
They disappeared off air one day and we found out they’d been ‘moved’ to a new weekend show, starting later in the year.
Smooth 70s to close
Another exclusive from RadioToday, revealing Global Radio was closing Smooth’s popular sister station Smooth 70s.
Paula White pulled off her last show
Straight in at number four is that incident with Paula White at BBC Radio Stoke. Surely this should be at number one?
James Whale leaves LBC
A number of exits from LBC this year included James Whale’s departure from the drive time slot.
TFM to share all programming with Metro Radio
This one almost caught us off guard. We assumed from limited information available some kind of sharing was starting ‘in a few days’. It turned out the entire office was being moved.
Ronnie Irani leaves talkSPORT breakfast
Another exit from talkSPORT but this one makes the most read story on RadioToday this year. This was helped by a large number of listeners looking for an explanation of where Ronnie had gone, as the station didn’t quite explain his sudden departure.
So to 2014 – what will radio bring us? There are lots of predictions out there – so we’ll leave them to speculate and we’ll look forward to reporting the facts first during the next 12 months.
Thanks for reading in 2013, and happy new year!
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