The JACK team in Oxfordshire is to launch another JACK branded radio station next year, on the D2 national multiplex.
The as-yet-unnamed station will launch before Easter, and promises to be a format never heard before anywhere in the world. It’ll join Union JACK and both will be at 32kbps using DAB+.
And to concentrate on the new station, local JACK stations on DAB in Portsmouth and Surrey will be closing down on December 31st.
In an update today, the station reports that for the third consecutive year in a row, JACK Oxfordshire has recorded above industry average growth of 17% y/y.
Hamish Law – JACK Oxfordshire’s Sales Director, said “We’ve seen a phenomenal year on the revenue front in Oxfordshire. It’s a real pleasure working with such a dedicated and passionate team, our clients are continuing to get solid results utilising our three brand JACK Oxfordshire strategy and we are forecasting that 2018 will be even stronger”.
Donnach O’Driscoll, CEO, of UNION JACK and Chairman of the JACK Group says: “What a way to end the year. A brand new national radio station for the UK set to launch in 2018, this will be our second national station broadcasting from Oxford and just like we did with Absolute Radio, we will be bringing something new, fresh, unique and sexy to the UK radio scene. We don’t ever play safe, it’s all about creating dynamic radio formats that attract new audiences. We will launch JACK (with a twist) before Easter 2018”.