The owner of the Bradford small-scale radio multiplex service has applied for a licence variation request to move one of its transmitters.
Bradford Digital Media Limited says the owner of the building upon which its Eccleshill transmitter is located gave notice that the building was being sold and would be redeveloped, and that power would be removed possibly as soon as December 2023.
Following the notice to quit, Bradford Digital Media has identified a replacement transmitter site at Northcote, and has applied to vary its licence under section 54A of the Broadcasting Act, and provided a revised technical plan.
A consultation is now underway and Ofcom would like to receive views and comments on the issues by 5pm on Thursday 08 February 2024.
The move would result in a net reduction in coverage of around 8,000 people compared to the currently licensed coverage area. Around 35,000 people who were originally served by the Bradford multiplex would not be covered under the revised plan. The areas where coverage would be lost include parts of Shipley, Baildon and Guiseley, as well as Horsforth and patches of coverage in Leeds.
Some of these areas are also served by the Leeds small-scale radio multiplex that offers a similar range of radio services, and is predicted to be available to approximately 19,000 of the adults losing coverage from Bradford. In addition, the replacement transmitter site would provide coverage to 28,000 adults in parts of Bradford itself that are currently predicted not to be served by the Bradford small-scale radio multiplex service.