Is Podcasting the future of Local BBC Radio?
Justin Kings
“Fake news” was a thing long before it came from the mouth of President Donald Trump.
In my view still too many stations put all their effort into what they are posting without being seen to read or interact with listeners.
Opinion: BBC Local Radio and sexy. I accept this may be the first time ever you have read a sentence with these words in it but my question is serious …
I like to think I am generally a very positive person and it is most effective to highlight best practice but this week I felt moved to tweet..
Well, it had to be the headline didn’t it? Sony nominations night has been and gone. For those who’ve entered, it’s a bit like waiting to hear if you’ve made …
Media consultant Justin Kings has a sneak preview of radio’s election coverage, with an emphasis on putting listeners at the centre of it. So, how would your station cover the …